Wednesday, March 9, 2016

JHS AP Biology and AP Chemistry Visit (3/9/16)

I visited my alma mater, Jacksonville High School, in Jacksonville, AL today. I was happy to be there, and Ms. Howard was almost as happy to have me!

When I e-mailed Ms. Howard a week ago about coming, we mentioned me speaking to her AP Biology class, and that was it. This morning, I got an e-mail saying: "I have invited the AP Chemistry class also. And we may have some admins and our media team too. Sorry - I bragged about you coming :)" Needless to say, THAT was a surprise! I couldn't believe that so many people were interested in what I have to say, and I was so extremely honored! It's wonderful to think that the teachers who inspired me to pursue a STEM career are still invested in where I'm going and what I do.

As far as the talk about my research, let me just say that these AP students knew their stuff! We had a grand ol' time going over how RNA is isolated and then translated into DNA using RT-PCR. As juniors and seniors in high school, I think they took away a lot of information about how undergraduate research works and whether they might like to take on their own research projects once they get to college; plus, they seem plenty prepared for the AP Bio exam!

My upcoming classroom talks will likely be back in Mississippi, since that's where I spend most of my time, but I don't want to limit the bounds of my platform to one state. I hope to reach throughout Mississippi, Alabama, and beyond through my platform. The next state to check off my list will be Tennessee, so stay tuned!

-A. Judge

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