
Welcome to the official website for my Miss America platform, "Kids Blossom from the STEM." I'm Allison Judge, Miss Heart of Dixie 2017, Miss Jones County 2016, and Miss Central Mississippi 2015. Here, you'll find updates on my travels throughout Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, and beyond as I promote learning, specifically in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math.

As a graduate with a chemistry degree and a PhD candidate, I want to show students that STEM subjects are not just rigid forms of learning that strictly adhere to rules, allowing for no creativity. Instead, they form a template of methods and ideas, which allow us to creatively solve problems in all new ways!

Someone had to figure out all of these cool facts we find in our textbooks, and there is so much more left to discover. I want to inspire this generation of students to take on that challenge, by first investing in their STEM education.

-A. Judge

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