Monday, June 19, 2017

Why is STEM important? (6/19/17)

I was asked in my Miss Mississippi interview today, "Why is STEM important?"

I could have said:
"Because not enough students are graduating with STEM degrees."
"Because over the next decade, demand for scientists and engineers in the United States is expected to grow at 4X the rate of other jobs."

The fact that we are not keeping up with demand for STEM employees is true, but thanks to my personal work with my platform, I see beyond that. I don't work with kids every week solely to equip them to join America's work force; I do it because I want to give them the opportunity to explore a passion I hold so dear in my life. That passion is innovation, creative problem solving, and discovery, all wrapped up into one package I like to call STEM. I told the judges in my interview that STEM education is important not only because America needs it to succeed, but because America's children need it to reach their own personal successes in life.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to share this message, and I look forward to continuing to do so, be it as Miss America, Miss Mississippi, or still as Miss Heart of Dixie.

-A. Judge

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