Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spring has Sprung at Brown Elementary! (3/2/16)

My weekly trips to Brown Elementary to volunteer with their after school STEM program are always rewarding, but this week, I have a beautiful new door decoration to show for it!

The door underneath all this pretty paper has peeling orange and green paint (yuck!), so Mrs. Sarenac and I thought it needed some revamping for spring time. The first things that popped into our heads were flowers—but we wanted to make sure our decor was STEM related. That's when it hit me: the anatomy of flowers! Now, our K-5 students will have a chance to see how much goes on between the petals.

Before I had even started labeling plant parts, a first grader in the hallway wanted to know what I was making. Don't you love how curious kids can be, especially when they're encouraged? I want to feed that curiousity, until these kids blossom into beautiful flowers themselves!

Next up, I'll be decorating a display for my kids' science projects. They're very excited to have their kites displayed at the front of the school!

-A. Judge

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