Monday, June 19, 2017

Why is STEM important? (6/19/17)

I was asked in my Miss Mississippi interview today, "Why is STEM important?"

I could have said:
"Because not enough students are graduating with STEM degrees."
"Because over the next decade, demand for scientists and engineers in the United States is expected to grow at 4X the rate of other jobs."

The fact that we are not keeping up with demand for STEM employees is true, but thanks to my personal work with my platform, I see beyond that. I don't work with kids every week solely to equip them to join America's work force; I do it because I want to give them the opportunity to explore a passion I hold so dear in my life. That passion is innovation, creative problem solving, and discovery, all wrapped up into one package I like to call STEM. I told the judges in my interview that STEM education is important not only because America needs it to succeed, but because America's children need it to reach their own personal successes in life.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to share this message, and I look forward to continuing to do so, be it as Miss America, Miss Mississippi, or still as Miss Heart of Dixie.

-A. Judge

Thursday, May 25, 2017

New Job, New Science!

I am more than happy to announce that I will begin work at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the department of infectious disease after the Mississippi competition. My lab will be investigating how patients with diabetes respond to infection such as sepsis and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Streptococcus aureus) skin infection. Although I am sad to leave my former research behind me, I am excited to have graduated and hopeful that I will continue to further our understanding of disease.

-A. Judge

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Women in STEM

It's graduation day! As excited as I am to be graduating with my chemistry degree, it's disappointing to know that women only earn 39% of physical science degrees when they earn 57.3% of all bachelor's degrees. The numbers in other STEM disciplines are even lower with women earning 43.1% of mathematics degrees, 19.3% of engineering degrees, and 17.9% of computer science degrees (NSF, 2016).

For this reason, on my graduation day, I look forward to inspiring other women to follow in my footsteps and dare to surpass all expectations. For more statistics on women in STEM, visit the National Girls Collaborative Project website:

-A. Judge

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Spring into Learning (4/4/17)

Don't pay too much attention to the display, as that was just me trying to get passersby to look at my kids' work! Below, you'll see some beautifully sculpted organs created by our fourth graders at Brown Elementary. These include the heart, lungs, brain, adrenal glands, and more! I'm happy to report that, although it's difficult to show in a picture, the kids were not only excited about getting to play with clay, but also about learning what each of these organs do in our bodies.

While we have many organs that are vital to our survival, it may help to start with some major ones when first learning about the body. To learn more for yourself, click the link below. Who knows, you may be inspired to craft your own favorite organ out of clay!

-A. Judge

Did you know that your skin is an organ? One of the largest organs of the body, in fact! Copy and paste the link into your browser to learn more.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Millsaps Honors Symposium (2/18/17)

As you know if you've kept up with my blog or other social media, I have pursued my own research for the last three years. Now that I have drafted, submitted, and defended my thesis, I will be presenting "A Two-Step RT-PCR Method for Quantifying Trichomonas vaginalis virus" at the Millsaps Honors Symposium tomorrow. You can view the presentation in Olin 100 tomorrow at 1:00 PM or via facebook livestream.

For background information on my research, you can copy and paste this link into your browser/and or contact me any time:

-A. Judge

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome Back to Brown (1/10/17)

Although my kids might disagree, I am SO EXCITED to be back at school! After spending three hours every week at Brown, it's hard to go a month without.

As you can see, Mrs. Sarenac and I have organized our supplies for the semester and come up with all sorts of activities we'd like to accomplish. Come spring, we'll get to spend some time outside exploring nature, and I cannot wait!

Stay tuned to see where 2017 takes us.

-A. Judge

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Celebrate Success! (12/7/16)

Now that testing from last school year has been evaluated, we at Brown Elementary are ECSTATIC to announce that--brace yourself--our rating went from a D to a B! We are so inspired by the work these stellar students have done and want to do everything in our power to continue this progress.

I am so happy to be assisting in such an excellent endeavor as furthering the education of young people and also excited that I got to assist in making this display! Don't worry, you'll see science projects from my students displayed again soon--but for now, we just want to celebrate!

-A. Judge