Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Spring into Learning (4/4/17)

Don't pay too much attention to the display, as that was just me trying to get passersby to look at my kids' work! Below, you'll see some beautifully sculpted organs created by our fourth graders at Brown Elementary. These include the heart, lungs, brain, adrenal glands, and more! I'm happy to report that, although it's difficult to show in a picture, the kids were not only excited about getting to play with clay, but also about learning what each of these organs do in our bodies.

While we have many organs that are vital to our survival, it may help to start with some major ones when first learning about the body. To learn more for yourself, click the link below. Who knows, you may be inspired to craft your own favorite organ out of clay!

-A. Judge

Did you know that your skin is an organ? One of the largest organs of the body, in fact! Copy and paste the link into your browser to learn more.